The Art of Autumn ~ Getting Creative out in Nature

If you’ve been following my blog for a while you may have gathered that nature is my biggest muse, an endless source of inspiration to fuel the creative self!

As you will see from my Autumnal photography post, my camera is my trusty companion which accompanies me everywhere – just in case inspiration hits! And in particular during the season of Autumn, where beauty is never far away! Walking Mindfully out in nature ensures I don’t miss a trick, as I tune in with every sense to feel, see, smell and taste the beauty of nature – from which inspires me to create art.  I share some of my creative play in this post to inspire you to get creative out in nature. No artistic experience is necessary – just a playful spirit and enquiring mind.

Samhain ©Emma Tuzzio
Autumn leaf fall / Samhain ©Emma Tuzzio

Along with photography, I also love exploring other artistic mediums to capture the beauty of Autumn, and find that the sensual, gestural nature of watercolour perfectly echoes this fleeting time of year. Here is a watercolour painting I created to reflect the seasonal cycle of Samhain, also known as Halloween. The image conveys the contraction of earths energies inwards at this time, reflected in the falling of leaves into what appears as a fiery abyss. Colours descend from enlivening reds, crimsons and plunge into the darkness of velvety purple. The more I observe the painting, and breathe in the colours, the more energised and alive I feel.

It is reminiscent of the phoenix rising from the ashes of its own demise as I consider how dying leaves form compost. This conditions the soil and provides the best conditions for future growth, ensuring the continuum of life. It is the ultimate affirmation for the regenerative power of death, as leaves need to die before new life can begin.

Journal explorations of Autumn colour


Above is a selection of journal pages devoted to Autumn colour. I’m particularly inspired by Andy Goldsworthy’s Cherry leaf spectrum and the transition of colours from yellow ocres to dusky orange to vermillion reds and into crimsons and violets. A blend of colours that both soothe and enliven my senses, awakening in me an appreciation of the healing power of COLOUR!

It strikes me the theme of the season is CHANGE and TRANSFORMATION from one state into another. So in the pages below I share some journal extracts exploring what that means to me:

“Change is the only constant. Embrace change the way Nature does. Let go of the old in order to allow in the new.”

Below are further colour studies using watercolour. I love the looseness of this medium. It really highlights the aliveness, movement and energy of seasonal transitions. Both pieces unintentionally reflect the vigorous flames of fire, again hinting at Autumns transformative alchemical nature.

The below piece was created using coloured pencils whilst sitting by a stream mindfully observing my surroundings. It was interesting to explore themes of DEATH & DECAY, and how withering foliage produced fertile compost – conditioning the soil ripe for new growth. Tuning in with every sense, I became mindful of the wind blowing through my hair, the sun warming my cheek, and the rustle of leaves underfoot. I was also aware of that distinctive rotting leaf smell which I find somehow comforting, perhaps evoking fond childhood memories of playing in leaves!


By Emma Tuzzio.

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