The ultimate Seasonal Cycle Resource Guide


As a nature loving soul who loves to share her musings, inspirations and knowledge on connecting to natures cycles, I have naturally amassed an extensive list of books that I wish to share with you below.

Not affiliated to one particular spiritual path or tradition, I would describe my spiritual path simply as attunement with natures seasonal cycles, drawing from the wellspring of wisdom offered by the earth. I do however love to explore the origins of more formal ideological paths, particularly the seasonal festivities that are celebrated by people of all religions and spiritual traditions across the globe. Uncovering the essence of each celebration is how I first discovered that many, if not all celebrations, at their core, draw from natures cyclical wisdom.

This brings me to the Wheel of the Year; the eight pagan festivals positioned at six weekly intervals around the solar cycle that celebrate the seasonal transitions. This wisdom has passed down from our ancient ancestors, whose lives as agriculturally dependent people, were far more intimately intwined with nature than our modern lives necessitate today. Our modern day disconnect from nature bears the scars of a world teetering on the edge of environmental disaster and mental health issues sky rocketing across the globe. The solution I genuinely believe can be found in fostering a reconnection to nature, to the seasonal cycles of which we are intrinsically connected. I have personally found that aligning with the wheel of the year, has provided a beautiful archetypal model for living life in harmony with our true selves and living sustainably with the earth. Below I share five of my most beloved resources on the subject in the hope that they inspire you too. (in no particular order).

1. Glennie Kindred’s innumerous books:

It goes without saying that Glennie Kindred’s multitude of books on the subject of Seasonal Cycles have provided a wealth of inspiration and endless spiritual sustenance for me over the years. I was blessed to study with Glennie in person on her Creating Ceremonies course, to experience firsthand her wellspring of wisdom delivered with a warm generous heart, lightness of spirit and an infinitely creative inner muse. These books have become my number one go-to, an infallible bible of celebratory ideas, inspiring me to create my own deeply meaningful creative rituals over the years. These three are my personal favourite:

The Earths Cycle of Celebration, Glennie Kindred: This short, succinct and beautifully illustrated guide offers clear guidance on the underlying energy of each of the 8 Celtic festivals, drawing upon their historical context and outlines creative empowering ways that we can utilise the underlying changing energy of the Earth to create simple meaningful celebrations today.

Sacred Earth Celebrations, Glennie Kindred: This breathtakingly profound and comprehensive book covers pretty much every aspect of ceremony that you could need, offering invaluable wisdom on how to celebrate each sabbat in ways that are unique to the individual. This book lies testament to a life lived in deep alchemical communion with natures rhythmic cycles, a living embodiment of what it means to live a life devoted to sacred simplicity. I return to this book each season and learn something new each time.

Earth Alchemy, Glennie Kindred: Styled quite differently from her other books, Gleinnie wonderfully fuses the ancient healing art of alchemy, elemental earth magic, and the Celtic festival, which are described as powerful metaphoric tools for life. Glennie takes us on a personal journey into her world, demonstrating the art of attuning to natures rhythms, and embodying seasonal energy shifts to bring harmony and enrichment to our lives.

2. Natural Rhythms, A Sacred Guide into Nature’s Creation Secrets, Lisa Michaels

Discovering this magical book brought about a powerful turning point in my life. Natural Rhythms has helped shift the way I relate to natures creation codes after learning how they profoundly impact our lives, knowingly or unknowingly. As a result I am far more aligned with these natural rhythmic cycles of the sun, moon, stars and elements, as it teaches powerful ideas of harmonising with natures creation codes to live a life aligned with passion, health and harmony. Lisa incorporates deep shamanic wisdom in an easily accessible and well organised way and helps you access your own inner wisdom and divine spark.

3. Set of Eight Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials (multiple authors)

I adore this beautifully designed eight part book series; entitled Sabbat Essentials, which covers an in depth exploration of each of the sabbats in a light-hearted easily digestible style. They each offer a comprehensive outline of the old ways of celebration and suggest innovative ways in which to modernise your celebrations today. They include simple ideas for rituals, recipes and crafting that can be adapted to suit individual needs, so has something to suit every celebratory style. I loved learning about pagan and pre-Christmas folklore, traditions, and stories. My only criticism is that they are predominantly Wicca-focused, which just isn’t my area of interest. Still an enjoyable read that I shall draw from again and again.

4. Cycles of Belonging, Stella Tomlinson

Cycles of Belonging is the ultimate guide for women who desire to live in alignment with and in reverence for her rhythmical nature as a cyclical being. It beautifully fuses together the many cycles to which we intrinsically belong, including the cycles of breath, menstruation, circadian rhythm, lunar, solar and life cycles. Stella offers powerfully practical yet enchanting journal prompts, rituals and meditations to help us utilise each energy to bring greater flow and alignment to our lives. A beautiful sacred container leading you on a journey back home to your essential nature, inextricably connected to the web of all life. I adore Stellas beautiful heartfelt meditations too, so check out her offerings at

5. The Great Work; Self Knowledge and Healing Through the Wheel of the Year, Tiffany Lazic

The Great Work fuses ancient Western spirituality, psychology, and energy work, which unlike other books in its genre, offers a psychological lens through which to experience the shifting energies of the wheel of the year. It is a practical guide to addressing issues of personal transformation, physical needs, emotional issues, and energetic strengths. And is an invitation to experience ourselves as intimately connected with the earth’s innate impulse to create balance and harmony. It offers deeply reflective exercises and alchemical observations that in and of itself offers a comprehensive body of self development for any seeker.

My intention is that this in no way exhaustible list of books, will offer you as much inspiration as they have for me on your ever deepening journey in aligning with natures wisdom. Feel free to share your own book recommendations in the comments below and I will be sure to my ever growing list of yet to be read books!

Love Emma. x

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